Role play
Uppståndelsens Dörrar

- “Move the car!! Kannst du keine Schilder lesen!!!”, shouts a one-armed man in a suit outside Eltz Castle in Germany. He points to your rented Porsche that you have hastily parked incorrectly. You have arrived at the party, late one evening in April. Your boss didn’t know much, but you have forged invitation cards, passwords and giddiups that blend in. The mission is to kidnap a Mr. Kleinhammer who is supposed to be at the event, smuggle him out and take him to headquarters. Blue and red light pulses through the windows of the medieval castle, whose facade sparkles in the cold light of spotlights. Jazz sneaks out through the stone walls and into the night. As you approach the entrance, you are suddenly caught in the spotlight of a flashlight. Two broad-shouldered guards stand there, vigilant. One of the guards has one eye that is unnaturally large.
The role-playing game 'The Inversion Directive' and the adventure 'The Doors of Resurrection', is a journey for 3-5 players from 'Two Crows', the role-playing duo in Stockholm. It uses a newly created ruleset - the 'Risk Dice System', which is a narrative “Roll-n-tell” engine with fast conflict resolution.
The Inversion Directive is a surreal story-driven role-playing game set in an alternate, Pulp-soaked, and twisted 1960s. At the height of the Cold War, the characters are subtly mutated agents of a secret organization created by the players themselves. All of humanity has been mutated by an unknown phenomenon that has warped the world.
On June 13, 1940, at exactly 12:48, the timeline branched out due to this phenomenon. History then turned into a travesty of itself, a burlesque variation. Historical events took place, but imaginatively altered. Without explanation, humanity exploded into fornication, drunkenness, and mindless violence. For three months. Then came “The Great Hangover.” Color vision disappeared, and the psyche collapsed. Apathy, amnesia, psychoses, and hell.
The period came to be known as “The Unspoken,” and left deep scars on humanity. But people pulled together, and discovered that they mutated in cycles: subtle deformities, bizarre abilities, and underlying diseases became the new normal.
By 1945, advanced machines were appearing everywhere, sold in everything from luxury stores to gas stations. Technology far ahead of its time blended seamlessly with the technology of the day. Then, in 1951, Dr. Francis Crick found the original DNA of Homo sapiens, hidden in the cells as a genetic backup. This discovery led to the Inversion Directive, a bold project to try to reverse the mutation cycles and restore humanity.
The role-playing game Inversions Directive is a surreal detective story where players try to uncover what happened that day in June 1940. Can they save humanity, or will everything go to hell? At least they'll have a lot of fun along the way, even if the boss from headquarters calls and demands results from time to time.
Organized by Two Crows RollspelsduonTwo Crows Rollspelsduon
Fri 16:00 - 21:00
- Schillerska 215
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sat 16:00 - 21:00
- Schillerska 215
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sun 10:00 - 15:00
- Schillerska 215
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Black Bed

Night rain, dark wet asphalt reflects the harsh white light of the car headlights. A cold wind turns the raindrops into small nails against the cheeks of the few who have to be outside. A police van is parked outside the 7-Eleven with the engine running. Anyone looking through the dark windshield sees two tired faces holding mugs of coffee in their hands. A lumpy bag of cinnamon rolls lies inside the windshield. The lips do not move.
Then a crackling sound is heard through the windows.
The bodies in the car wake up. The windows roll down, and through the rain, a half-filled paper cup of coffee rolls down the street. The sirens bounce between concrete and glass, the car jerks and splashes dirty water onto the nearest house wall…
A dark murder mystery involving a dismembered body takes the police deep into Stockholm's underworld. Together with a social worker and a journalist, they create a special investigation team, directly appointed by the chief of police.
“Desperate times require radical measures,” says Minister of Justice Anna Gren, giving carte blanche to the group, which is being created to test new methods in police work.
Take on the roles of the investigation team and let the clues lead you to something far more personal than you can imagine.
This is a scenario for CULT – The Lost Divinity.
Organized by Martin Svärd and Mattias Geisler
Fri 16:00 - 21:00
(Reserve list)
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Fri 16:00 - 21:00
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sat 16:00 - 21:00
(Reserve list)
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sat 16:00 - 21:00
Pre book for teams via sign up system
In KARTELLHÖRNAN we play and sell RPGs that are easy to very easy in terms of rules, but heavy on everything else. Come here and try games like MÖRK BORG, DEATH IN SPACE, CY_BORG, and SKR. Explore exciting locations and experience creative rules and innovative takes on both classic and surprising environments. Come and explore ancient crypts, abandoned moon bases, nightmarish factories, or find out what is hidden in strange temples.
We offer ~1-2 hour drop-in games during the day between 10am-8pm with the last game starting at 6pm. No pre-registration is required, and we provide game leaders and adventures. Some waiting time may occur if no game director is available when you show up.
For sale are our games and our accessories for them. A small amount of third-party products and merch will also be available, but they tend to sell out quickly, so stop by on Day 1!
Fri 10:00 - 19:00
- North 217
Sat 10:00 - 19:00
- North 217
Sun 10:00 - 12:00
- North 217
Nordiska Väsen

Nordiska Väsen is a horror role-playing game that takes place in the Nordics during the 19th century, where folk beliefs and mythical beings meet a world in change.
You play as one of the members of the Society, an organization that studies, fights and expels beings around the Nordics.
During the play session, you will play a one-shot, where pre-created characters are available.
Due to the game's content and themes, players must be at least 15 years old.
Organized by Haggis
Fri 10:00 - 15:00
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sat 10:00 - 15:00
Pre book for teams via sign up system
- Sat 11:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Sun 10:00 - 15:00
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Drakar och Demoner: Magistratens drag

A secretive wizard invites the public to watch a game of Stones and Boards against his arch-rival the Magistrate. In all the years the magistrate has lost, but this year he has a plan. A group of adventurers are tasked with finding out the wizard's secret once and for all - and they only have two hours.
The magistrate's move The SC adventure in Dragons and Demons from the Games Congress.
Number of players: 3-5
Organized by Fria Ligan
Fri 10:00 - 12:00
- Schillerska 110
- Schillerska 216
- Schillerska 305
- Schillerska 311
- Schillerska 3A
- Schillerska 4A
- Schiller's Basement A
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Fri 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Pre book via sign up system
Fri 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
- Schillerska 110
- Schillerska 2A
- Schillerska 305
- Schillerska 311
- Schillerska 3A
- Schillerska 4A
- Schiller's Basement A
- Vasa 5A
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Fri 16:00 - 18:00
Pre book via sign up system
Fri 16:00 - 18:00
- Schillerska 110
- Schillerska 305
- Schillerska 311
- Schillerska 3A
- Schillerska 4A
- Schiller's Basement A
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Fri 19:00 - 21:00
- Schillerska 110
- Schillerska 2A
- Schillerska 305
- Schillerska 311
- Schillerska 3A
- Schillerska 4A
- Schiller's Basement A
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Fri 19:00 - 21:00
Pre book via sign up system
Sat 10:00 - 12:00
- Schillerska 110
- Schillerska 216
- Schillerska 2A
- Schillerska 305
- Schillerska 311
- Schillerska 3A
- Schillerska 4A
- Schiller's Basement A
- Vasa 5A
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sat 10:00 - 12:00
Pre book via sign up system
Sat 13:00 - 15:00
- Schillerska 110
- Schillerska 2A
- Schillerska 305
- Schillerska 311
- Schillerska 3A
- Schillerska 4A
- Schiller's Basement A
- Vasa 5A
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sat 13:00 - 15:00
Pre book via sign up system
Sat 16:00 - 18:00
Pre book via sign up system
Sat 16:00 - 18:00
- Schillerska 108
- Schillerska 110
- Schillerska 2A
- Schillerska 305
- Schillerska 311
- Schillerska 3A
- Schiller's Basement A
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sat 19:00 - 21:00
Pre book via sign up system
Sat 19:00 - 21:00
- Schillerska 110
- Schillerska 2A
- Schillerska 305
- Schillerska 311
- Schillerska 3A
- Schiller's Basement A
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Call of Cthulhu Sweden: The guests on the island
An adventure set in Skåne in the 1920s. The investigators are childhood friends who have gone to the island of Halland's Väderö to hunt and experience nature.
The scenario is for the horror role-playing game Call of Cthulhu Sweden and written by Daniel Granér who is one of the co-writers of Lund: The Forbidden City of Knowledge. The atmosphere in the scenario is suggestive and "weird".
The scenario is for groups of 4-6 players and there are ready-made role characters.
Organized by Daniel Graner
Fri 8:10 - 8:10
(Reserve list)
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Fri 10:00 - 15:00
- Schillerska 303
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Fri 4:00 PM - 10:00 PM
- Schillerska 303
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sat 10:00 - 15:00
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sat 16:00 - 21:00
- Schillerska 303
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sun 10:00 - 15:00
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sun 3:00 PM - 3:00 PM
- Schillerska 303
Wild Legendary Festivities (Zelda themed RPG)
There is a festival in Castle town and people from all over Hyrule come to participate in the festivities, some for the competitions and games, others for the food and entertainment but a few have dark and insidious plans.
It's up to a small group of oddball friends to make the most of the day and make it legendary!
Organized by Jonas trapp
Fri 16:00 - 21:00
- Schillerska 4A
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sat 16:00 - 21:00
- Schillerska 4A
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Bunny Borg

Play as a daring rabbit on an adventure through a world of dark chaos and persistent danger in this nocturnal one-shot based on the Dark Borg ruleset.
Organized by Deep Spawn Games
Fri 19:00 - 22:00
(Groups with own GM)
- Schillerska 216
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Fri 19:00 - 22:00
(Organizer's GM)
- Schillerska 216
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sat 19:00 - 22:00
(Groups with own GM)
- Schillerska 216
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sat 19:00 - 22:00
(Organizer's GM)
- Schillerska 216
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Brindlewood Bay

You are all retired ladies, members of a detective club in a small seaside town in New England, home of HP Lovecraft. So when a murder is committed and mysterious supernaturals begin to loom, you're all set to rush out and find out what happened.
Brindlewood Bay came out in digital form in 2022 and in hardcover in 2023. The rules are based on Apocalypse World, with the difference that the possible moves are much fewer, you yourself only have one unique move, and the scenarios are not completely improvised. It is, however, the resolution of the drama! We act out scenarios from the basic book and the collection Brorsöner i Fara.
Organized by Martin Rundkvist
Fri 13:00 - 17:00
- Schillerska 216
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sat 13:00 - 17:00
- Schillerska 216
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sun 11:00 - 15:00
- Schillerska 216
Pre book for teams via sign up system

Yes, this is a real role-playing game from 1982 ... and it's excellent. I didn't believe it either.
We play in English with some casual Swedish. Our session will be recorded for Adept Play.
Organized by Ronald Edwards
Sat 10:00 - 15:00
(Reserve list)
Pre book via sign up system
Sat 10:00 - 15:00
- IHGR 403
Pre book via sign up system
Tomb of the Mutilated

A Dark Borg dungeon crawl based on songs from the death metal band Cannibal Corpse. In the adventure, you will also be able to compete against your fellow players (counter-players?) by guessing which songs appear in the adventure.
The adventure is not suitable for people under the age of 18. The game can be played in English or Swedish and is suitable for between 3 - 6 players but it is not set in stone. The adventure probably takes about 3 hours to play through.
Organized by Sura Uppstötningar
Fri 10:00 - 15:00
- Schillerska 208
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sat 10:00 - 15:00
- Schillerska 208
Pre book for teams via sign up system
På flykt i Karelen
We are on the run! Chased all the way from Nyen by the Russians! We are in the middle of an impassable quagmire with no end in sight. It is muddy, wet, dirty and the swamp stinks of dung! Stinging mosquitoes and other vermin buzz all around us, biting flies as big as musket balls! We are exhausted from the effort and our stomachs are growling with hunger. But we dare not stop and rest for any longer, because the Russians are on our heels! Or are they wolves?! We constantly hear their howling close behind us! First comes Sergeant Hård, the Karelian hunter raised in this wilderness, like a moose he steps forward between the tufts of the bog, while we constantly sink. Then comes Lieutenant Löwe, straight in the back and with a dignified posture, a good leader who protects his people, but who also pushes us on in times of danger. In the middle of the crowd the field sergeant Melchior, actually far too skilled and knowledgeable for the simple task and his little protégé, the boy Jonathan, an orphan from Narva. Then follow the two knights, myself, Fast and so Able, wet and soaked to the bone and my shoulder aches like fire from the wound! And last, a little in tow, sick and miserable and limping, the otherwise so masterful, but now all too complaining field priest Salvius. How will we manage to reach the safety of Vyborg? Has God abandoned us his faithful and the kingdom and the king who will not return from the south.
It is spring 1703, the end of April, and the Great Northern War is raging!
After his great victory at Narva in November 1700, where the Swedish hero-king Charles XII defeated a Russian army four times larger, he has turned south and is busy with his army chasing the Grand Duke of Saxony and the Polish King Augustus the Strong around Poland.
The Russians have taken the opportunity and returned and are besieging Nyenskans in Swedish Ingria with 20,000 men led by Sheremetev and Tsar Peter against the Swedish garrison of 700 men under Colonel Johan Apollof, who are holding their ground despite Russian assault attempts.
Lieutenant Georg Löwe has managed to make a costly breakaway and is heading north towards Viborg with a small motley group with orders to ask for help.
The journey through Ingria and across the Karelian Isthmus, into Kexholm County and Finland becomes arduous and dangerous. They are pursued by the Russians.
The adventure is based on En Garde first edition with some horror and legend mixed in.
Organized by Dan Luthman
Fri 16:00 - 21:00
- Schillerska 208
- Schillerska 214
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sat 16:00 - 21:00
- Schillerska 208
- Schillerska 214
Pre book for teams via sign up system
USK Räuberz of Ryleh Part II (Sigilla R'lyeh)

"We continue last year's journey through Ryleh"
Organized by Birger
Fri 22:00 - Sat 3:00
- Vasa 510
Sat 10:00 - 15:00
- Vasa 510
Risk Dice System - Med egen SL

Play "The Escape - The Way Home" or "The Inversion Directive - The Doors of Resurrection" on the Risk Dice System with your own game master.
Number of players: 3-5 + SL
Risk Dice System is a universal system where role-playing is at the center. Only players roll dice and the mechanics are fast without being too abstract. We use completely custom-designed dice with 6 sides. 4 different types; Skill dice, Mastery dice, Risk dice, Hurt dice.
The game leader needs to contact the organizer well in advance of the convention to choose one of the adventures.
Organized by Two Crows Collective
Fri 10:00 - 15:00
- Schillerska 217
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Fri 16:00 - 21:00
- Schillerska 217
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sat 10:00 - 15:00
- Schillerska 217
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sat 16:00 - 21:00
- Schillerska 217
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sun 10:00 - 15:00
- Schillerska 217
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Backpack TTRPG speltest
Playtest of a new fantasy role-playing game planned for release in 2026-2027. Focus on player skill and finding treasures. The organizer is the game director.
I'm thinking of a dungeon crawl where each gaming group competes to see who can do it best. After this, the participants will also be asked to fill out a feedback form.
Organized by Tom Pålsson
Fri 10:00 - 15:00
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Fri 16:00 - 21:00
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sat 10:00 - 15:00
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sat 16:00 - 21:00
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sun 10:00 - 15:00
Pre book for teams via sign up system

USCM is a tactical role-playing game in a military science fiction setting. The atmosphere in our scenarios is primarily taken from environments such as Aliens, XCOM and Starship Troopers.
The Marine Corps always needs new recruits. Enlist and pick up your M41A1 Pulse Rifle today.
Organized by Kristin Dahlström
Sat 10:00 - 22:00
- Vasa Coffee Room
Feast of Ravenmoor

In the distant lands of Varisia life is harsh. In the wild marshes of Ravenmoor, life is harsher still.
Although decent farmlands can be found, the giant mosquito like pests of the wet pools are more than just a nuisance to farmers and villagers. Although the crops grow, their nature seems twisted by strange soils. Yet, despite the isolation and hardships the people here thrive, with monthly festivities and celebrations. Perhaps their devotion to their patron deity Desna, The Great Dreamer, has blessed them with this good fortune?
You, an adventurer, have been entrusted with a quest! A tax collector has gone missing in the farthest reaches of the realm, a place you once called home. What horrible secrets does the humble settlement of Ravenmoor hold? Your buried past will not remain so forever.
This adventure is based on the module Feast of Ravenmoor for Pathfinder RPG created by Paizo Inc. The system played will be Genesys RPG. Its unique dice system empowers play with variety. where each role potentially leads to more nuanced results than just success or failure. The system has its roots in Star Wars Edge of the Empire, originally developed by Fantasy Flight Games, released in 2012.
Spoilers for horror content:
!The game contains horrific content and themes!
Horror content: Parasites, human sacrifice, body horror, abuse, murder
The session will be played in English.
Organized by William Hultqvist
Fri 10:00 - 15:00
- Schillerska 108
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sat 10:00 - 15:00
- Schillerska 108
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Bläckfisk Förlag

Bläckfisk Förlag is a duo of idea generators, dreamers, and hard workers. We want people to create stories, evoke emotions, and explore the unknown, so we develop tools for creativity and community—usually in the form of role-playing games.
Come by our booth to talk roleplaying games and take a look at our creations - including Heroes of Cerulea, Windsjäl, and Blood Feud.
Organized by Bläckfisk Förlag
Fri 10:00 - 20:00
- North 213
Sat 10:00 - 20:00
- North 213
Dekaeder: Incident Commission
The rainy night cast a somber mood over Turku. The blue lights of the police car illuminated a completely wrecked Mercedes. It had wrapped itself around the tree in an almost unnatural way.
A body had been thrown out of the windshield and landed in the mud on the torn-up lawn.
The forensic station was unusually quiet. The smell of freshly brewed coffee mixed with the sharp smell of sterilizing alcohol and death. A familiar scent, something the staff had known for a long time and had become accustomed to by now.
When the phone rang from the police, it was time to wake up. The UNO cards were left on the coffee table and everyone got ready to meet up. Who was the poor thing now? An ambulance had been on the scene but there was no chance of doing anything. The ambulance personnel rolled the body into the examination room at the medical examiner's station and left quickly, visibly shaken by the accident.
The rain outside was picking up speed as the examination began. It was Chief Physician Heikkinen, the head of the forensic station. The glass pane had damaged the body so much that it was barely recognizable, but for his colleagues there was no doubt. Calmly and relentlessly, the examination proceeded… two hearts? Why did Heikkinen have two hearts?
“We are here to collect the body,” an adult, female voice said harshly from the door. A SÄPO badge fluttered past and some kind of paper with a decision. The body disappeared with the black-clad individuals as quickly as it had appeared, and the staff was left with a thousand questions and no answers.
You will explore an alternative Swedish 90s as the staff of a forensic station. The game is based on the game world Incident Commission.
Organized by Dekaeder
Fri 8:30 - 8:30
(Reserve list)
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Fri 10:00 - 15:00
- Schillerska 112
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Fri 16:00 - 21:00
- Schillerska 112
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sat 10:00 - 15:00
- Schillerska 112
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sat 16:00 - 21:00
- Schillerska 112
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sun 10:00 - 15:00
- Schillerska 112
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Mord mellan murarna
In the tent camp outside the walls, people look at the gates with longing eyes. From up above the tower city with its cable cars, elevators and wealth, people instead look down on the core, which is the part of the city that is sandwiched between the inner and outer city walls. The core is where the ordinary people live and contains bustling streets, boulevards, small pubs, stately houses, wealth and poverty. Everything is in the core and countless people and families live and try to live in a limited area. Something that creates a melting pot for ideas, food, culture and conflict.
For months, the very core has been shaken by several bestial murders, and each time the magistrate has managed to catch the perpetrators and declare the cases solved. Then someone new is murdered and the cases start again. The murders have caused chaos in the city and have begun to affect the business of the wealthy merchant houses.
This is where you come in:
The magistrate's attempts to stop the murders seem fruitless, and several different factions have begun to bring in their own agents and investigators to try to overcome the problem that threatens their operations. You are a "fixer": a former adventurer, bounty hunter, thief or landlord who works for a particular faction or one who pays well for your unique skills as an investigator, being able to move in all social strata and legal gray areas within the city walls.
Welcome to Dragons and Demons -23, Thieves and Assassins, which takes place in a new and unique interpretation of perhaps the most controversial campaign world in Dragons and Demons, namely Chronopia!
Organized by Mattias Ögren (Acid Reflux)
Fri 10:00 - 15:00
- Schillerska 214
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sat 10:00 - 15:00
- Schillerska 214
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Dekaeder: Pax Tyrana
The evidence of Afrustis of the Hrutterns' treachery must reach the legate before the legion sets sail. The remnants of the garrison at Velaria are tired and scattered, but now only the last mountains stand between them and their goal. Decanus Hagathis leads the rearguard, who have just repaired their chariot and are closing in on the vanguard, when a scout returns, bloodied and worn, with a strange tale of a monster in the pass.
Decanus Milonius and his experienced men are killed and the important evidence remains on the mountain. Now the hope lies with Hagathis and the rest of the group. Only they can retrieve the evidence and find a way through the mountains, and time is running out, for soon the legate and the legion will sail away.
May the light of the Fugiters guide you over the mountains!
You will explore the game world of Pax Tyrana, an ancient world with elements of the supernatural, beings and gods.
Organized by Dekaeder
Fri 8:20 - 8:20
(Reserve list)
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Fri 10:00 - 15:00
- Schillerska 114
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Fri 16:00 - 21:00
- Schillerska 114
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sat 10:00 - 15:00
- Schillerska 114
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sat 16:00 - 21:00
- Schillerska 114
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sun 10:00 - 15:00
- Schillerska 114
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Västspel Children's Room

Board games etc. for children and young people around 9-14 years old
Of course we're at GothCon! The whole weekend!
We are located in NE 06, i.e. Hvitfeldska's northern building on the entrance floor, room 6 and are open to schoolchildren and young people who want to try board games, role-playing games and figure painting. Don't miss trying boffer outdoors with Västmarken on Saturday!
You're coming to us, right?
Organized by Västspel
Fri 10:00 - 18:00
- North Entrance 06
Sat 10:00 - 18:00
- North Entrance 06
Sun 10:00 - 14:00
- North Entrance 06

Medieval fantasy with mud, metal, blood, crazy cults and very dirty orcs, according to the classic first edition by Robin Crossby (1986). This game uses a lot of numbers but it plays fast and hard.
We will be playing in English with a bit of casual Swedish. Our session will be recorded for Adept Play.
Organized by Ron Edwards
Fri 16:00 - 21:00
- IHGR 403
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Dragon Castle: LIVE!

Overcome the challenges, outsmart the traps, try every door, kill the trolls and orcs, steal the treasure, but whatever you do, don't wake the dragon! Expect to die! Over and over again!
Joint adventuring in "Dragon Castle: The Book Game Adventure", with extra everything! Mood-creating images are shown on a projector, suggestive music plays in the background. Participants are encouraged to come in their own costumes!
Dragon Castle: LIVE! will be led by an on-stage narrator who will lead you through the winding tunnels and halls of the castle. All participants adventure together and choose their way through the castle by voting. 10+ participants per session. Spectators are welcome. If individual participants die or need to leave, spectators have the opportunity to replace them. If the entire group dies, you just have to start over.
No preparation is needed, all equipment will be provided (pen, paper, dice and of course 20 meters of rope)
NOTE: The event is held in Swedish, and use of the book is approved by Dan Glimne himself.
Organized by Björn Fredberg
Sat 20:00 - 22:00
- IHGR 216
Pre book via sign up system
Flyktan - vägen hem

The world is big, dark and dangerous. Beyond the cornfields and the gates of the hollow city there are only rumors and evil, sudden death. Everything beyond your home is a land of darkness – where Lil-beasts roam the edge of the primeval forest and the cutting wingspan of the Rakorn cast long shadows over scarred clay fields. On the horizon, beyond mountains and rapids, the monoliths of the grey giants and mythical glyph stones fade against the hazy sky.
You are the Hessi. The underdog. Those who survived the catastrophe. You are alive today thanks to Hessi-Rah – the great leader – the avenger who took you to safety underground. She who formed the first hollow city. Despite segregating hierarchies and nepotistic leadership in the elite class that calls itself the Stratan, you outcasts on the outskirts of the city still live a relatively good life. You build your community with sweat and hard work, in relative safety.
But the dark land is pressing in. The beasts are approaching. And, many of you are dreaming nightmares of an impending threat. The spongers, in their ritual intoxication, see death and mutilation – of a home that is perishing. The disappearance of Hålstad and the eternal darkness when the spark of life has faded. If not. If not you, those who see the threat coming, gather. Gather and leave everything you have ever experienced to set out in the footsteps of the apocalypse, searching for your new home. A home beyond the dark land.
Welcome to participate in a people's survival. The role-playing game “The Escape – the Way Home” is a journey for 3-5 players. It uses a newly created ruleset that focuses on “Roll-n-tell” – hitting first and then telling together what happened. You are responsible for leading your group of survivors through an apocalyptic fantasy world, in search of your new home. A home not everyone will reach…
The Escape is written by the author behind the campaign The Grace of the Icons (Coriolis) and the trilogy The Secret of the Chronograph (Ur Varselklotet), and also co-designer of the role-playing games Creature, Flood Harvest, Aliens and the board game Tales from the Loop.
Game groups that have their own game leader will be guaranteed to play, but will also receive a beta of the entire game, as well as a dice set, for continued play after Gothcon.
Organized by Antroia
Fri 10:00 - 15:00
- Schillerska 217
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Fri 16:00 - 21:00
- Schillerska 217
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sat 10:00 - 15:00
- Schillerska 217
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Sat 16:00 - 21:00
- Schillerska 217
Pre book for teams via sign up system
Do you fancy playing role-playing games? Then just drop by the Indie room. Our selection of role-playing games is highly variable, but the majority focus on drama and relationships between the characters. This as the Indie room has its origins in the Story-now movement. So regardless of whether you are a beginner or a veteran of the hobby, you are more than welcome to join us.
Recommended age 15 and up.
Organized by Lukas Sernlind
Fri 9:00 - 21:00
- North Entrance C
Sat 9:00 - 21:00
- North Entrance C