Role play

Flyktan - vägen hem

Världen är stor, mörk och farlig. Bortom sädesfälten och hålstadens portar finns bara rykten och ond bråd död. Allting bortom ert hem är mörkerland – där Lil-bestar stryker i urskogens rand och Rakornas skärande vingspann kastar långa skuggor över sargade lerfält. I horisonten, bortom berg och forsar, tonar gråjättarnas monoliter och mytiska glyfstenar upp sig mot den disiga skyn.

Ni är Hessi. Underfolket. De som överlevde katastrofen. Ni lever idag tack vare Hessi-Rah – den store ledaren – urättlingen som tog er till säkerheten under jord. Hen som bildade den första hålstaden. Trots segregerande hierarkier och nepotiskt ledarskap i det elitskikt som kallar sig för Stratan, så lever ni utbölingar i stadens utkanter ändå ett förhållandesvis bra liv. Ni bygger er samvaro med svett och hårt arbete, under relativ trygghet.

Men mörkerlandet trycker sig på. Bestarna närmar sig. Och, flera av er drömmer mardrömmar om ett stundande hot. Svamlarna siar under sina rituella rus om död och lemlästning – om ett hem som går under. Hålstadens försvinnande och det eviga mörkret då livsgnistan falnat. Om inte. Om inte ni, de som ser hotet komma, samlar er. Samlar er och lämnar allt ni någonsin erfarit för att bege er ut i apokalypsens fotspår, sökandes efter ert nya hem. Ett hem bortom mörkerlandet.

Välkommen att delta i ett folks överlevnad. Rollspelet “Flyktan – vägen hem” är en resa för 3-5 spelare. Det använder ett nyskapat regelverk som fokuserar på “Roll-n-tell” – att slå först och sedan berätta tillsammans vad som hände. Ni är ansvariga för att leda er grupp av överlevare genom en apokalyptisk fantasivärld, i jakten på ert nya hem. Ett hem inte alla kommer att nå…

Flyktan är skrivet av författaren bakom kampanjen Ikonernas nåd (Coriolis) samt trilogin Kronografens hemlighet (Ur Varselklotet), och tillika medkonstruktör till rollspelen Väsen, Flodskörden, Aliens och brädspelet Tales from the Loop.

Organized by Antroia

    • Advance registration is required
    • Beginner friendly
    • Role play

    Uppståndelsens Dörrar

    - “Beweg das Auto!! Kannst du keine Schilder lesen!!!”, skriker en kostymklädd, enarmad man utanför Eltz Castle i Tyskland. Han pekar på er hyrda Porche som ni i hast parkerat fel. Ni har anlänt till festen, en sen afton i April. Er boss visste inte mycket, men ni har förfalskade inbjudningskort, lösenord och giddiups som smälter in. Uppdraget är att kidnappa en Herr Kleinhammer som ska finnas på tillställningen, smuggla ut honom och ta honom till högkvarteret. Blått och rött ljus pulserar genom fönstren på det medeltida slottet, vars fasad gnistrar i kallt sken från spotlights. Jazz smyger sig ut genom stenmurarna och in i natten. När ni närmar er ingången fångas ni plötsligt i strålkastaren från en ficklampa. Två bredaxlade vakter står där, vaksamma. Den ena vaktens ena öga är onaturligt stort.

    Rollspelet ‘Inversions Direktivet’ och äventyret ‘Uppståndelsens dörrar’, är en resa för 3-5 spelare från ‘Two Crows’, rollspelsduon i Stockholm. Det använder ett nyskapat regelverk - ‘Risk Dice System’, som är en narrativ “Roll-n-tell” motor med snabb konfliktlösning.

    Inversions Direktivet är ett surrealistiskt story-drivet rollspel, som utspelar sig i ett alternativt, Pulp-indränkt och förvridet 1960-tal. Vid Kalla Krigets höjdpunkt är karaktärerna subtilt muterade agenter för en hemlig organisation som spelarna själva skapat. Hela mänskligheten har muterats av ett okänt fenomen, som förvridit världen.

    Den 13 juni 1940, exakt 12:48, förgrenades tidslinjen på grund av detta fenomen. Historien förvandlades då till en travesti av sig själv, en burlesk variant. Historiska händelser skede, men fantasirikt förändrade. Utan förklaring exploderade mänskligheten i otukt, berusning och besinningslöst våld. I tre månader. Därefter kom “The Great Hangover”. Färgseendet försvann, och psyket föll samman. Apati, amnesi, psykoser och helvete.

    Perioden kom att kallas “The Unspoken”, och lämnade djupa ärr hos mänskligheten. Men folk tog sig samman, och upptäckte att de muterades i cykler: diskreta missbildningar, bisarra förmågor och underligga sjukdomar blev det nya normala.

    1945 dök avancerade maskiner upp överallt, sålda i allt från lyxbutiker till bensinmackar. Teknik långt före sin tid blandades sömlöst med dåtidens teknik. Sen, 1951 fann Dr. Francis Crick Homo sapiens ursprungliga DNA, gömt i cellerna som en genetisk backup. Denna upptäckt ledde till Inversions Direktivet, ett djärvt projekt för att försöka reversera mutationscyklerna och återställa mänskligheten.

    Rollspelet Inversions Direktivet är en surrealistisk detektivhistoria där spelarna försöker avslöja vad som hände den där dagen i juni 1940. Kan de rädda mänskligheten, eller går allt åt helvete? Åtminstone lär de ha riktigt kul på vägen, även om bossen från högkvarteret ringer och kräver resultat då och då.

    Organized by Two Crows Kollektivet


      Nordic Being

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      Nordiska Väsen is a horror role-playing game that takes place in the Nordics during the 19th century, where folk beliefs and mythical beings meet a world in change.

      You play as one of the members of the Society, an organization that studies, fights and expels beings around the Nordics.

      During the play session, you will play a one-shot, where pre-created characters are available.

      Due to the game's content and themes, players must be at least 15 years old.

      Organized by Haggis


        Wild Legendary Festivities (Zelda themed RPG)

        There is a festival in Castle town and people from all over Hyrule come to participate in the festivities, some for the competitions and games, others for the food and entertainment but a few have dark and insidious plans.

        It's up to a small group of oddball friends to make the most of the day and make it legendary!

        Organized by Jonas's staircase


          Brindlewood Bay

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          You are all retired ladies, members of a detective club in a small seaside town in New England, home of HP Lovecraft. So when a murder is committed and mysterious supernaturals begin to loom, you're all set to rush out and find out what happened.

          Brindlewood Bay came out in digital form in 2022 and in hardcover in 2023. The rules are based on Apocalypse World, with the difference that the possible moves are much fewer, you yourself only have one unique move, and the scenarios are not completely improvised. It is, however, the resolution of the drama! We act out scenarios from the basic book and the collection Brorsöner i Fara.

          Organized by Martin Rundkvist



            In KARTELLHÖRNAN we play and sell RPGs that are easy to very easy in terms of rules, but heavy on everything else. Come here and try games like MÖRK BORG, DEATH IN SPACE, CY_BORG, and SKR. Explore exciting locations and experience creative rules and innovative takes on both classic and surprising environments. Come and explore ancient crypts, abandoned moon bases, nightmarish factories, or find out what is hidden in strange temples.

            We offer ~1-2 hour drop-in games during the day between 10am-8pm with the last game starting at 6pm. No pre-registration is required, and we provide game leaders and adventures. Some waiting time may occur if no game director is available when you show up.

            For sale are our games and our accessories for them. A small amount of third-party products and merch will also be available, but they tend to sell out quickly, so stop by on Day 1!

            Organized by STOCKHOLM CARTEL

            • Fri 10:00 - 19:00
            • Sat 10:00 - 19:00
            • Sun 10:00 - 12:00


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            USCM is a tactical role-playing game in a military science fiction setting. The atmosphere in our scenarios is primarily taken from environments such as Aliens, XCOM and Starship Troopers.

            The Marine Corps always needs new recruits. Enlist and pick up your M41A1 Pulse Rifle today.

            Organized by Kristin Dahlström


              Dragons and Demons: The Magistrate's Move

              A secretive wizard invites the public to watch a game of Stones and Boards against his arch-rival the Magistrate. In all the years the magistrate has lost, but this year he has a plan. A group of adventurers are tasked with finding out the wizard's secret once and for all - and they only have two hours.

              The magistrate's move The SC adventure in Dragons and Demons from the Games Congress.

              Organized by Anna Westerling


                Västspel Children's Room

                Board games etc. for children and young people around 9-14 years old

                Organized by Western game



                  We will offer to playtest 2 convention adventures in Dekaeder.

                  The first takes place in an alternative 1990s Sweden.

                  The second is in the ancient world of the Pax Tyrana.

                  Organized by Decades


                    Bunny Borg

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                    Play as a daring rabbit on an adventure through a world of dark chaos and persistent danger in this nocturnal one-shot based on the Dark Borg ruleset.

                    Organized by Deep Spawn Games


                      Dragon Castle: LIVE!

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                      Adventuring together in "The Dragon Castle: The Book Game Adventure", with extras!

                      Overcome the challenges, outwit the traps, try every door, slay trolls and orcs, steal the treasure but whatever you do, don't wake the dragon!

                      All participants adventure together and choose a path through the castle together by voting!
                      Expect to die! Over and over again!

                      Organized by Björn Fredberg

                      • Sat 20:00 - 22:00

                      Call of Cthulhu Sweden

                      An adventure set in Skåne in the 1920s. The investigators are childhood friends who have gone to the island of Halland's Väderö to hunt and experience nature.

                      The scenario is for the horror role-playing game Call of Cthulhu Sweden and written by Daniel Granér who is one of the co-writers of Lund: The Forbidden City of Knowledge. The atmosphere in the scenario is suggestive and "weird".

                      Scenariot är för grupper från 4-5 spelare och det finns färdigsskapade rollpersoner.

                      Organized by Daniel Graner


                        Tomb of the Mutilated

                        A Dark Borg dungeon crawl based on songs from the death metal band Cannibal Corpse. In the adventure, you will also be able to compete against your fellow players (counter-players?) by guessing which songs appear in the adventure.

                        The adventure is not suitable for people under the age of 18. The game can be played in English or Swedish and is suitable for between 3 - 6 players but it is not set in stone. The adventure probably takes about 3 hours to play through.

                        Organized by Acid Reflux


                          Backpack TTRPG game test

                          Playtest of a new fantasy role-playing game planned for release in 2026-2027. Focus on player skill and finding treasures. The organizer is the game director.

                          I'm thinking of a dungeon crawl where each gaming group competes to see who can do it best. After this, the participants will also be asked to fill out a feedback form.

                          Organized by Tom Paulson


                            On the run in Karelia

                            We are on the run! Chased all the way from Nyen by the Russians! We are in the middle of an impassable quagmire with no end in sight. It is muddy, wet, dirty and the swamp stinks of dung! Stinging mosquitoes and other vermin buzz all around us, biting flies as big as musket balls! We are exhausted from the effort and our stomachs are growling with hunger. But we dare not stop and rest for any longer, because the Russians are on our heels! Or are they wolves?! We constantly hear their howling close behind us! First comes Sergeant Hård, the Karelian hunter raised in this wilderness, like a moose he steps forward between the tufts of the bog, while we constantly sink. Then comes Lieutenant Löwe, straight in the back and with a dignified posture, a good leader who protects his people, but who also pushes us on in times of danger. In the middle of the crowd the field sergeant Melchior, actually far too skilled and knowledgeable for the simple task and his little protégé, the boy Jonathan, an orphan from Narva. Then follow the two knights, myself, Fast and so Able, wet and soaked to the bone and my shoulder aches like fire from the wound! And last, a little in tow, sick and miserable and limping, the otherwise so masterful, but now all too complaining field priest Salvius. How will we manage to reach the safety of Vyborg? Has God abandoned us his faithful and the kingdom and the king who will not return from the south.

                            It is spring 1703, the end of April, and the Great Northern War is raging!
                            After his great victory at Narva in November 1700, where the Swedish hero-king Charles XII defeated a Russian army four times larger, he has turned south and is busy with his army chasing the Grand Duke of Saxony and the Polish King Augustus the Strong around Poland.
                            The Russians have taken the opportunity and returned and are besieging Nyenskans in Swedish Ingria with 20,000 men led by Sheremetev and Tsar Peter against the Swedish garrison of 700 men under Colonel Johan Apollof, who are holding their ground despite Russian assault attempts.
                            Lieutenant Georg Löwe has managed to make a costly breakaway and is heading north towards Viborg with a small motley group with orders to ask for help.
                            The journey through Ingria and across the Karelian Isthmus, into Kexholm County and Finland becomes arduous and dangerous. They are pursued by the Russians.

                            The adventure is based on En Garde first edition with some horror and legend mixed in.

                            Organized by Dan Luthman


                              USK Räuberz of Ryleh Part II (Sigilla R'lyeh)

                              "We continue last year's journey through Ryleh"

                              Organized by Birgers

                              • Fri 22:00 - Sat 3:00
                              • Sat 10:00 - 15:00

                              Octopus Publishers

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                              Bläckfisk Förlag is a duo of idea generators, dreamers, and hard workers. We want people to create stories, evoke emotions, and explore the unknown, so we develop tools for creativity and community—usually in the form of role-playing games.

                              Come by our booth to talk roleplaying games and take a look at our creations - including Heroes of Cerulea, Windsjäl, and Blood Feud.

                              Organized by Octopus Publishers

                              • Fri 10:00 - 20:00
                              • Sat 10:00 - 20:00

                              Murder within the walls

                              In the tent camp outside the walls, people look at the gates with longing eyes. From up above the tower city with its cable cars, elevators and wealth, people instead look down on the core, which is the part of the city that is sandwiched between the inner and outer city walls. The core is where the ordinary people live and contains bustling streets, boulevards, small pubs, stately houses, wealth and poverty. Everything is in the core and countless people and families live and try to live in a limited area. Something that creates a melting pot for ideas, food, culture and conflict.
                              For months, the very core has been shaken by several bestial murders, and each time the magistrate has managed to catch the perpetrators and declare the cases solved. Then someone new is murdered and the cases start again. The murders have caused chaos in the city and have begun to affect the business of the wealthy merchant houses.
                              This is where you come in:
                              Magistratens försök att stoppa morden verkar vara fruktlösa och flera olika fraktioner har börjat ta in egna agenter och utredare för att försöka få bukt på det problem som hotar deras verksamhet. Ni är “fixare”: före detta äventyrare, prisjägare, tjuvar eller hyrsvärd som arbetar för en enskild fraktion eller den som betalar bra för er unika kompetens som utredare, att kunna röra er i alla sociala lager och lagmässiga gråzoner innanför stadens murar.
                              Welcome to Dragons and Demons -23, Thieves and Assassins, which takes place in a new and unique interpretation of perhaps the most controversial campaign world in Dragons and Demons, namely Chronopia!

                              Organized by Mattias Ögren (Acid Reflux)


                                Feast of Ravenmoor (Played in English)

                                The session will be played in English.

                                In the distant lands of Varisia life is rough. In the wild marshes inbetween the bigger settlements, life is harsher still.
                                Ravenmoor is a small village in the middle of wetlands and moors. Farmland here is scarce, but the people get by.

                                The adventure is from the Pathfinder RPG by Paizo but the dice system used will be Genesys. It uses special narrative dice that are based on Star Wars Edge of the Empire by Fantasy Flight Games.

                                Organized by William Hultqvist
