Playing in front of an audience

The podcast room

The podcast room is a gathering place for all RPG podcasters, listeners and curious people who just want to come in and listen for a while. There will be a rolling schedule of role play sessions and panel discussions in front of an audience, as well as some time for meet and greets. If you miss the live performances, you will be able to hear them in various podcasts after the convention.

There will also be several roleplays and other fun behind closed doors that will be released in various podcasts afterwards. So that you can get back the convention feeling long afterwards.

Schedule in the audience room:

Games for the public:
10-12 EON
Podcast: ROAR etc
12:45-14:45 Dragons and Demons (in English)
Podcast: Andreas from Sweden Rolls and others
15:00-17:00 Blades in the Dark (in English)
Podcast: Brainwaves Podcast, Red Moon Roleplaying, Svartviken Roleplaying podcast, Sweden roles
17:45-19:45 Coriolis
Podcast: Svartviken Roleplay podcast, We play roleplay, etc
20:00-22:00 Cult
Podcast: Spelhyllan, Gestalt, Smygpodden

Panel discussion
10:00-10:50 How do we review RPGs? (in English)
11:00-11:50 Running a role-playing game publisher
12:00-12:50 How do you keep the playgroup alive (in adulthood)?
13:00-13:50 Role playing online - good or bad?

14:00-14:45 Meet & Greet

Games for the public:
Podcast: We play role-playing games
17:30-19:30 Kutulu
Podcast: Svartviken Roleplaying podcast, Frilurarna, Áventyrarna etc

Games for the public:
10:00-12:00 Mutant
Podcast: The Red Plague, ROAR
12:15-14:15 Dragons and demons
Podcast: Sweden rolls etc

Organized by The podcast room

  • Fri 10:00 - 12:00 (EON Character creation with the podcast ROAR)
    • South 510
  • Fri 12:45 - 14:45 (Dragons and demons with Andreas from the Sweden rolls podcast)
    • South 510
  • Fri 15:00 - 17:00 (Blades in the Dark with the podcasts Brainwaves Podcast, Red Moon Roleplaying, Svartviken, Sweden roles)
    • South 510
  • Fri 17:45 - 19:45 (Coriolis with the Black Sea pod)
    • South 510
  • Fri 20:00 - 22:00 (KULT with the Spelhyllan podcast)
    • South 510
  • Sat 10:00 - 13:50 (Panel conversation with the podcasts Svartviken & Gestalt)
    • South 510
  • Sat 14:00 - 14:45 (Poddrum Meet & Greet)
    • South 510
  • Sat 15:00 - 17:00 (We Play Role Playing)
    • South 510
  • Sat 17:30 - 19:30 (Kutulu m. Svartviken, Frilurarna, Äventyrarna etc.)
    • South 510
  • Sun 10:00 - 12:00 (Mutant with the podcasts Red Plague & Roar)
    • South 510
  • Fri 9:00 - Sun 14:00 (Pod Room)
    • South 508
    • South 509

We Play Role Playing Games

Sweden's prettiest role-playing podcast will of course visit GothCon this year as well! We record an episode in front of an audience, answer questions, and generally enjoy ourselves. Hope to see you!

Organized by Axel Widen

  • Sat 15:00 - 17:00
    • South 510

"Hidden" Narrative Miniature Game

Plum Island off Massachusetts is a very inconspicuous island. It has been inhabited for as long as people can remember, but rarely does anything happen here. They fish for cod in the Atlantic when the weather permits, and drink their beer at the pub in Fort Philips.
In 1924, however, the Navy decided to set up a seaplane base on the island. You can read that in old issues of the Arkham Advertiser.
More than a hundred men were to serve, and the fishermen in the village were worried about the fishing industry. The editorial in the paper recalled the publicized submarine attack on Orleans in the last year of the war, and wholeheartedly endorsed the protection now afforded to the people of Massachusetts after the thoughtless closing of the airship base at Chatham two years before.
A funny guy wrote in a post that the island's alleged nickname, "the last survivor island", came from the time of the witch trials and wondered what the navy boys thought when they heard it.
Another person demanded that the bishop of Massachusetts do something about it. However, it was unclear what he thought the church should do and what the problem actually was.

Smaller events, hardly worth mentioning, are to be found in small notices that year. The "Holy Church of Salvation and Trinity" foundation, based in Boston and Salem, had acquired land on Plum Island. They now advertised for young evangelists who want to mission in the area and revive the small community of Fort Philip with salvation.
The salary was promised to be more than one could reasonably wish for.

In the fishing village, the ethnologist James Bollingworth had organized a small exhibition of his work on the Wampanoag Indians.
A lecture at the pub "The gilded cod" would take place next Friday at 5 o'clock. Entry was 10p and children got in free.

That's all that can be found about Plum Island in the newspaper's archives from that time, and since. The island has been forgotten, although weather-beaten fishermen still land their catches in coastal ports. You can talk to them if you want; they are friendly but show a sense of humor some would find unpleasant, and they do it in the real old New England dialect.

Organized by Birgers

  • Fri 10:00 - Sun 3:00
    • Vasa 510

    Pre book via sign up system

Nerd quiz

Prove that you can do the most at GothCon and win prizes and bragging rights for the rest of the convention!

Come with friends or find friends on site to test your knowledge in geek categories such as board games, role-playing games, TV/computer games, Disney, TV series, anime, etc.

Each team can consist of a maximum of two people (but it's ok to be fewer), if you don't have a partner but want one, show up 5 minutes before the scheduled time and bee pairs you up!

A prize is promised to the winners in addition to the endless glory of winning the geek quiz 2024 at GothCon!

Organized by Malin Granqvist Malmberg and Magnus Hansson

  • Sat 22:00 - Sun 3:00
    • North Entrance 04