GothCon Rules
Bylaws: The association GothCon
Adopted: 1996-08-17
Revised: 1999-09-11, 2006-09-30, 2013-05-05, 2014-10-11, 2015-09-05, 2016-07-17, 2016-12-10, 2017-12-10, 2023-10-22
org no. 857206-8909
§ 1. NAME
The name of the association is "The association GothCon".
The purpose of the association is to prepare and hold gaming conventions in the Gothenburg region, as well as related activities.
§ 3. SEAT
The association has its seat in the municipality of Gothenburg.
The association's decision-making bodies are: Annual meeting
The association's executive body is: Board
The association's preparatory bodies are: Auditors and Nomination Committee
A person with an interest in the association's objectives, who approves these statutes and who wants to work with the association's objectives can be accepted as a member.
Application for membership is submitted in writing to a board member or via another method approved by the board and any membership fee is paid.
Membership in the association may only be refused if it can be assumed that the person concerned will work against the aims or interests of the association.
Membership is valid up to and including the next annual meeting, with the exception of members who have withdrawn or been excluded according to § 6 or 7.
Active membership refers to members who have not been suspended according to § 7.
Members have the right to renounce their membership at any time and do so by means of a written notification delivered to any regular board member.
A member who opposes the association's aims or damages the association can be suspended by the board. Suspended member must be discussed at the next annual meeting. Either the suspension is then lifted or the member is excluded.
The board and annual meeting can revoke suspension and exclusion.
The association's board consists of the chairman, secretary, treasurer and two (2) to six (6) members and any deputies. One of the regular members is appointed vice-chairman by the board at the constituent board meeting.
The board is elected for the period until the next regular annual meeting.
The association's business year runs from July 1 to June 30.
The members' right to participate in the management of the association's affairs is exercised at the annual meeting, which can be an ordinary annual meeting or an extra annual meeting. At the annual meeting, each member with an active membership has one vote. Voting is done in person on the spot or remotely with aids intended for the purpose.
Retiring board members may not participate in decisions on discharge from liability.
Voting takes place openly, except in the case of a personal election or in the event of a request for a closed vote from any participant entitled to vote. Decisions are made, where these statutes do not provide otherwise, by simple majority vote. In the event of an equal number of votes, the decision is made by drawing lots.
Ordinary annual meeting is held during one of the months June through September at the location and
time determined by the board.
An extra annual meeting must be held when the board or the two auditors so request or when at least 1/3 of the association's members request it in writing to the chairman of the board or to one of the auditors.
Invitations to regular or special annual meetings must be made in writing to all members and by notice on the Association GothCon's website no later than four (4) weeks before the meeting.
At the ordinary annual meeting, the following matters shall be dealt with:
1. Election of chairman and secretary for the annual meeting
2. Establishment of voter register
3. Election of two adjusters, also vote counters
4. Question about the authorized announcement of the annual meeting
5. The board's report for the past financial year
6. Financial report for the past financial year
7. The auditors' report for the past financial year
8. Question about discharge of liability for departing board
9. Business plan
10. Motions
11. Election of the board
12. Election of auditors and any deputy auditors
13. Election of the election committee
Motions must be delivered to the board in writing no later than three (3) weeks before the annual meeting. Matters not included on the agenda may not be made the subject of a decision. Documents including motions and agenda must be published by the board two (2) weeks before the annual meeting.
At an extraordinary annual meeting, only matters that have been specified in the notice to the meeting may be taken up for decision.
At the extraordinary annual meeting, the following matters shall be dealt with:
- Election of chairman and secretary for the annual meeting
- Creation of voter register
- Election of adjusters, also vote counters
- Question about the authorized announcement of the annual meeting
- Matters specified in the summons
The board represents the association, monitors its interests and manages its affairs, and makes decisions on behalf of the association in all matters whose handling is not regulated by these statutes. The board decides on who has subscription rights for the association.
The board is responsible for:
• to work for the association's purposes
• to implement decisions made by the annual meeting
• to handle the association's finances and accounting
• to draw up an activity report and a financial report and present these at the association's annual meeting
• to call everyone to the annual meeting who has had membership and has not requested withdrawal during the financial year and to publish documents for the annual meeting
The board meets at the call of the chairman or vice chairman.
Ordinary board members who cannot participate must report their absence and call any deputy. The substitute always has the right to attend, but only the right to vote if he replaces a regular board member.
The board is decision-making when at least half of the board members are present. Decisions are made by simple majority. In the event of a tie, the chairman, or in his absence, the vice chairman, has the casting vote.
§15. Audit
The board's administration and the association's accounts must be reviewed annually by two at the annual meeting
appointed auditors.
The election committee must submit proposals for election to the regular annual meeting.
Amendments to these statutes require the decision of two consecutive annual meetings, of which only one
may be an extra annual meeting, and that the proposal receives at least two-thirds of the votes cast at both meetings.
Dissolution of the association requires a decision at two consecutive regular annual meetings and that the proposal receives at least two-thirds of the votes cast at both meetings. Upon dissolution of the association, its assets shall accrue to non-profit activities whose purpose is to conduct gaming activities with a focus on children and young people.
The association is a non-profit organization, politically and religiously unbound. The association is connected to Sverok.
If ambiguity regarding the meaning of the association's statutes arises in connection with a board, staff or annual meeting, the meeting's interpretation shall apply until a clarifying amendment is introduced. If ambiguity regarding the meaning of the association's statutes should otherwise arise, the board's interpretation applies until a member or annual meeting decides that a different interpretation applies.
Any ambiguities regarding the statutes and their interpretation must be communicated to the association's members as soon as possible.