Free entrance? - Become a functionary!
Want to help make GothCon an awesome convention? Fantastic!
Every year we need officials who help with everything possible in connection with the convention. In addition to having great fun while we work, your convention will also be cheaper by helping.
Everyone is welcome into the functionary family, regardless of experience of working/participating in previous conventions.
You can choose between working 1-5+ shifts where each shift is about 3-4 hours long, which corresponds to approximately 4.5 - 30 % of the total convention time. How many shifts you want to work is entirely up to you!
If you don't want to work during the convention itself, but want to help anyway, you can work both by logging in before the convention and by logging in after the convention.
As a thank you for your help, your convention will be cheaper, you will get food, a staff shirt, you will check in in a separate queue, and many other nice bonuses!
Registration and more information about what it means to be an official at the convention is available here.